The enclosed file (DJKEnterprises.html) needs Netscape (or another www browser) to run. It also needs you to be connected to your local ISP (Internet Service Provider). Once you are connected to the internet you should open 'DJKEnterprises.html' (which is in this folder) and and adverts will appear in front of you for web page design. The internet connection is required for the counter on the bottom of the page, this will tell anyone who wants to know; just how many people have visited this page, it willl also give me a good idea of how many people were interested in the page aswell.
I hope this file explained all you need to know, if it didn't please e-mail me at: or write to me at:
Dan Karran,
Glen Cam,
Ronague Road,
Isle of Man,
About the author/owner of DJK Enterprises:
My name is Dan Karran and I'm just 13 years old. I live on an island between England and Ireland, which is called the Isle of Man.
I hope to have many more customers soon because at the time of writing this (24/12/95) I had only had 1 customer!!!